The Cambridge Companion to Chopin (Cambridge Companions to Music) Jim Samson 英語版 一度も読まずに本棚で保管していました。多少のスレや小傷が見られます。ご理解頂ける方のご購入をお願いします。 This book provides the enquiring music-lover with helpful insights into a musical style which recognises no contradiction between the accessible and the sophisticated, the popular and the significant. Twelve essays by leading Chopin scholars make up three parts. Part 1 discusses the sources of Chopins style in the music of his predecessors and the social history of the period. Part 2 profiles the mature music, and Part 3 considers the afterlife of the music - its reception, its criticism and its compositional influence in the works of subsequent composers. … strongly recommended to students, teachers, and researchers. Non-specialists will find useful and reliable introductions to various facets of Chopins life and music while specialists will encounter provocative viewpoints in a number of contributions. #ショパン #ジム_サムソン #analysis #アナリーゼ #解説
The Cambridge Companion to Chopin (Cambridge Companions to Music) Jim Samson 英語版 一度も読まずに本棚で保管していました。多少のスレや小傷が見られます。ご理解頂ける方のご購入をお願いします。 This book provides the enquiring music-lover with helpful insights into a musical style which recognises no contradiction between the accessible and the sophisticated, the popular and the significant. Twelve essays by leading Chopin scholars make up three parts. Part 1 discusses the sources of Chopins style in the music of his predecessors and the social history of the period. Part 2 profiles the mature music, and Part 3 considers the afterlife of the music - its reception, its criticism and its compositional influence in the works of subsequent composers. … strongly recommended to students, teachers, and researchers. Non-specialists will find useful and reliable introductions to various facets of Chopins life and music while specialists will encounter provocative viewpoints in a number of contributions. #ショパン #ジム_サムソン #analysis #アナリーゼ #解説
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