■プロフィールご一読くださいハワイの書店にて購入。ほとんど読んだ記憶がないのですが、材質的な問題なのか状態がよくありません。中古品であることをご理解いただける方にお願いします。ペンギンLITTLE PENGUIN仔牛LITTLE COWThis attractive board book for toddlers in Barrons " Look at Me " series features color illustrations that present animals in naturalistic portrayals, placed in realistic, detail-filled settings. Each book tells a story about a baby animal and its mother, describing in very simple language how the mother animal keeps her baby from getting into trouble. Preschoolers will be delighted by the pictures and entertained when Mom or Dad reads the story aloud.恐竜LITTLE DINOSAUR A die-cut book in the shape of a dinosaur about a baby triceratops.シロクマLITTLE POLAR BEAR幼児教育英語絵本読み聞かせ
■プロフィールご一読くださいハワイの書店にて購入。ほとんど読んだ記憶がないのですが、材質的な問題なのか状態がよくありません。中古品であることをご理解いただける方にお願いします。ペンギンLITTLE PENGUIN仔牛LITTLE COWThis attractive board book for toddlers in Barrons " Look at Me " series features color illustrations that present animals in naturalistic portrayals, placed in realistic, detail-filled settings. Each book tells a story about a baby animal and its mother, describing in very simple language how the mother animal keeps her baby from getting into trouble. Preschoolers will be delighted by the pictures and entertained when Mom or Dad reads the story aloud.恐竜LITTLE DINOSAUR A die-cut book in the shape of a dinosaur about a baby triceratops.シロクマLITTLE POLAR BEAR幼児教育英語絵本読み聞かせ
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